Good to Know
Sat Nav: 52.46892 -6.71937
Guided Tours: Y
Tel/Mob: + 353 87 644 6882
Coolaught Gardens & Garden Centre
This 2.5 acre country farmhouse garden has borders which blend old favourites and new introductions in an informal atmosphere. Pathways lead through the front garden, rose pergola and laburnaum archway, a richly under-planted orchard, Egyptian garden and finally a woodland garden with many rare trees and shrubs. In spring the lawn becomes a crocus carpet, originally planted over 80 years ago, a tribute to the history of this garden.
Address: Clonroche, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Y21 RX81
Guided Tours: please contact proprietor
Opening Times: Garden Centre: All year round
Garden: May – September (or by appointment)
Entrance Fee: To Gardens – please contact proprietor